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Dr. Neil Maclusky is retiring! An annual award in his name has been created to recognize his incredible contribution to the Neuroscience Program.

Read all about Androgens, Estrogens and social behaviour! Research from the Choleris Lab.

How does nicotine and cocaine alter memory consolidation? Read all about it from the Winters Lab!

Cortical dopamine D5 receptors regulate neuronal circuit oscillatory activity and memory in rats. Research from the Perreault lab!

Ever wondering about sex differences in cocaine addiction and relapse? Take a look at Dr. Murray’s research!

Congrats Dr. Descalzi on CIHR funding to look at the molecular mechanisms surrounding the changes that happen as acute pain becomes chronic!

Interested in Alzheimer’s? Join the Guelph Alzheimer’s Association!

New research on cannflavins and neuronal TrkB receptors from Lalonde Lab.

Attention to visual motion suppresses neuronal and behavioral sensitivity in nearby feature space. Take a look at research coming from UoG!

Color inherently modulates a range of executive functions supported by prefrontal circuitry. Exciting UoG Research!

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Is impulsivity genetically determined? Check out new research going on at UoG!

Inflammation in the brain and depression, new research going on at UoG

Sex differences in diagnosing autism, exciting research coming out of UoG

New research on sex differences in psychiatric disorders from UoG researcher