We help students to build a network that will help them succeed both in University and post-graduation


Students will engage in aspects of neuroscience ranging from genes and molecules, to cells and synapses, to circuits, behaviour, and cognition.


We have a diverse research expertise on campus to explore the nervous system from molecular, cellular, sensory motor, physiological, and behavioural perspectives.


We focus on preparing students for their future studies and careers, whatever they may be.


Our small program allows for continued support for each student as an individual and to have students interact with our faculty and staff regularly


We seek to understand the biology and function of the nervous system at all levels of analysis.


    June 7 2024 Check out some pictures from Guelph Neuroscience Day 2024!

    March 1 2024 Micro credential Neuroscience courses offered through Queen’s, click Here for more information

    Feb 7 2023 The Brain Bee competition is returning to Guelph March 2024, Please spread the word any local high school contacts!

    Jan 25 2024 Want to get yourself some UoG Neuro Swag? Purchase Merch Here until Feb 9.

    Oct 12, 2023 Interested in participating in quick research and getting paid? Check it out!

    Aug 15, 2023. New technology developed by Jesse Wolfe at UoG to help highlight gut microbiome variation in Parkinson’s patients relative to controls and exploring the gut-brain axis

    Aug 15, 2023. Interested in a more in-depth understanding of how drug-related behaviours are maintained over time? New research published from the Leri lab

    Jul 6, 2023. Interesting new research from the Lalonde lab @ UoG into the cellular mechanisms underlying bipolar disorder

    Looking for a great conference to attend? Check out the Canadian College of Neuropsychopharmacology this Fall!

    Read about how distractors can alter eye movement trajectory, Interesting research from the Fallah lab!

    Join our Neuroscience Alumni Network!

    Equity, diversity and inclusion at UoG

    Upcoming Events

    Aug 2. 2024 NeuraSeed BCI Expo is a FREE VIRTUAL event for students, staff an faculty to attend to learn and network.





    The Neuroscience program at UoG started in 2017. We take great pride in incorporating our diverse research expertise into our courses and program. To allow us to provide full support to each student we keep our program small. We focus on preparing students for their future studies and careers, whatever they may be.

    Choose Guelph for Neuroscience

    Our neuroscience program is new, innovative and diverse. We bring together 4 different departments as part of one cohesive program to give our students the complete experience of what neuroscience is all about!

    The career track of the students in our program varies from medicine to education, research, and so much more. It is our goal to help prepare you the best we can for whatever future you have set your sights on. We have a number of unique opportunities for learning in a relevant workplace environments including research projects and internship opportunities that our team can help you organize.